Listen, Outdoor gear can be expensive… we get it! 😅
Here are 5 tips to help you save money and make your dollars stretch longer.1. QUALITY over quantity, always.We’re firm believers in this. That’...
In 2018, Coast Mountain coordinated environmental funding from Patagonia’s Wholesale Impact Grants Program to help enhance salmon habitat. This was a unique project because so many groups worked to...
Before we start: there are three considerations:
First, we have to define cold.
When you google for info on running in the cold, you’ll find that most information isn’t for Yukon Cold. It’s for V...
Every year for almost 30 years we have run Share the Warmth. Each year we collect about 150 jackets for adults and children. The fine folk at Northern Vision's Best Western Gold Rush Inn launder al...
Northerners love merino wool. Washable, non-itchy, non-stinky, warm in winter, cool in summer, merino is the most comfortable fabric. It comes in different weights so that you can choose the warm...
Join us for two different nights of award-winning mountain movies!
Thursday, March 21 at 7:30pm - Arnica Program
Friday, March 22 at 7:30pm - Paintbrush Program
Tickets are $20 per show. Availabl...